
Thank you for your interest in 招聘 North Central 学生! The Center for Career 和 Professional Development team is excited to partner with you to build your talent pipeline 和 aid you in meeting your recruitment needs. Our office works closely with employers looking to hire 学生 和 recent graduates of North Central for internships 和 full-time positions, 也是你发布职位的门户, connecting with NC student 和 alumni talent, participating in 招聘会s 和 on-campus recruitment events.  

Explore ways to start engaging with North Central talent:



Promote your organization 和 positions through 握手, our online job portal 和 career management platform.



Learn how to develop an internship program that is mutually beneficial for both you 和 our 学生.



Promote your organization’s br和 on campus 和 connect with 中北书院 学生 for your talent needs by participating in one of our 招聘会s. 



Publicize your opportunities by hosting a table on our campus to attract student attention 和 build your br和.


每学年,职业中心 & Professional Development hosts several 招聘会s that bring employers to campus to showcase their organization’s opportunities, 值, 和文化, while building relationships with 学生 和 recent alumni. Please consider our upcoming 招聘会s to meet your recruitment needs.

立博在线体育2024年秋季工作 & 实习公平
Thursday, September 26, 2024 | Time TBD | 中北书院's campus

2023年秋季的工作 & 实习公平 is open to employers from all industries looking to fill internship 和 full-time positions. This is our largest on-campus 招聘会 of the year 和 attracts 学生 from a variety of majors.

中北书院 Spring 2025 Just in Time Job & 实习招聘会  

及时的工作 & 实习招聘会 provides an opportunity for employers who are still looking to fill hiring needs to meet 和 connect with 学生 looking for internships 和 full-time work in the immediate future. This fair provides a place where employers can connect with our soon-to-be 中北书院 graduates who are still looking for that next step after college. All majors 和 degree levels are invited to attend this event.


Our 学生 have a proven record of adding value to many different organizations as interns. The Center for Career 和 Professional Development abides by the National Association of 大学 和 Employers (NACE) definition of an internship. 实习经历:

  1. Must be a learning experience that applies knowledge gained from the classroom.
  2. Teaches skills or knowledge that can be transferred to other employment settings.
  3. Has a defined beginning 和 end 和 a job description with desired qualifications.
  4. Has clearly defined learning goals related to the professional goals of the student’s academic coursework.
  5. Provides supervision 和 routine feedback from a professional with expertise in the field.
  6. Provides resources, equipment, facilities to support learning goals. 


中北书院 is a NACE (National Association of 大学 和 Employers) affiliated organization 和 employers are expected to maintain professional st和ards for university relations & 招聘, abide by the following employment principles: 

  1. Practice reasonable, 负责任的, transparent behavior
  2. 行事不偏不倚
  3. 确保公平获取
  4. Comply with local, state, federal laws 
  5. 保护保密 


Have you hired a 中北书院 student or alumni? 让立博在线体育知道! 

See where our 学生 have interned 和 gained full-time offers.

  • Ace硬件 
  • 提倡好撒玛利亚人医院 
  • 阿尔迪公司 
  • 活着的中心 
  • 竞技 
  • Americaneagle.com 
  • Amita健康 
  • 天使恩典临终关怀 
  • 苹果公司 
  • 阿贡国家实验室 
  • 芝加哥艺术学院 
  • BDI剧场儿科治疗 
  • 蓝十字蓝盾 
  • 公牛/袜营 
  • Calamos投资 
  • 卡特彼勒公司. 
  • 芝加哥熊 
  • 芝加哥黑鹰队 
  • 芝加哥口碑营销 
  • 芝加哥小熊队 
  • 芝加哥的狗 
  • 芝加哥火焰队 
  • 芝加哥莎士比亚剧院 
  • Cintas 
  • 内珀维尔市 
  • 库克县司库 
  • 社区访问内珀维尔 
  • 经销商激励 
  • 德勤 
  • 杜佩奇儿童博物馆 
  • 杜佩奇县公设辩护律师办公室 
  • 伊科尔 
  • 企业 
  • EY 
  • 费米实验室 
  • FONA国际 
  • 科德宝集团 
  • H-4培训 
  • 文物文物专业协会 
  • 中心组织 
  • 人道主义服务计划 
  • IEMA立博在线体育 
  • 芝加哥日美协会 
  • 凯恩县儿童保护协会 
  • 凯恩县美洲狮队 
  • 凯恩县卫生局 
  • 堪萨斯城皇家队 
  • Kemper湖泊 
  • 小松美国公司. 
  • 小的朋友 
  • Lookingglass剧院 
  • 许愿基金会 
  • 马里昂乔伊康复医院 
  • 麦克亨利县药物滥用联盟 
  • 莫仕 
  • 摩根士丹利(Morgan Stanley) 
  • 莫顿植物园 
  • NAMI杜佩奇 
  • 内伯维尔警察局. 
  • Navistar公司. 
  • NBC体育集团 
  • 纽夸谷高中 
  • NCTV 17 
  • 尼尔森 
  • 中北书院 
  • 西北大学医学 
  • 美国西北相互 
  • Plante Moran 
  • 土耳其宫廷布朗 
  • 普华永道 
  • RSM us LLP 
  • 肖媒体 
  • 希基赫,LLP) 
  • 国营农场 
  • 地位群体营销 
  • 菲尔德博物馆 
  • 极端的企业 
  • 芝加哥大学医学中心 
  • 伊利诺伊大学 
  • U.S. 细胞 
  • Wintrust
  • 基督教青年会 


“我 never had an intern from North Central who didn't have a strong work ethic这让我印象非常深刻. They're pretty go-with-the-flow, but also just 渴望获得经验 和 tackle whatever it is you have thrown at them."

"I have a special spot in my heart for North Central. 他们有一个很棒的项目. They truly focus on creating individuals who can 有效沟通, 和 I think that's a critical skill that some of the schools forget."

 “立博在线体育将继续这样做 高度可靠的实习生 which helps develop 积极的人际关系 with our participants.”

“他们展示了 批判性思维能力 其他学校的学生没有. 他们把他们的 优先考虑实习.”

“非常 努力工作 和 有责任心的.”

“立博在线体育将继续这样做 积极的人际关系 与NC学生.”

“非常 负责任的 和    承诺 学生.” 



找不到你要找的东西? Fill out this form 和 someone will be in touch with you soon. 
